Posts in Indie Film
How to Make the Most of Your Instagram Live Interview

More and more bloggers and entertainment writers are embracing Instagram Live as a way to engage their readers and fans with a dynamic, interactive event. If you are invited to join one of these live chats as a filmmaker, you should go for it! If you are prepared, it can be a great opportunity to find new fans and present your project in the best light.

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Using Hashtags for Your Indie Film

There are about 186 million users on Twitter sending 500 million+ tweets sent each day, which comes out to approximately 200 billion tweets per year. Instagram users post more than 95 million photos and videos per day, or about 34 billion pieces of content per year, and if you’re brave enough to jump into TikTok, you’re joining 600 million users who post almost every day. It’s time to get smart about your hashtags.

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2020 was obviously a VERY DIFFERENT year when it came to film, with many releases skipping their theatrical run, choosing a hybrid drive-in/virtual event approach, or just heading straight to a streaming release. As always, Team Smarthouse kept their eye on how these films were being marketed, and were wowed by the poster campaigns, innovative ideas, and other marketing bits that people and agencies came up with!

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We Watched 25 Webinars About Film Festivals So You Didn’t Have To

Attending three webinars a day is totally the new normal, right? Team Smarthouse has been attending A LOT of webinars since social distancing has been in place, with a focus on listening to people talk about the current state of film festivals and learning as much as we can about how festival organizers are adapting to the industry's changing landscape.

We have pages and pages of notes from our learnings, but here are the top five things we thought would be most helpful for indie filmmakers:

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Great Movies by Black Filmmakers

These past few weeks have been a testament to the power when we collectively come together in support of what is right. As we continue to protest, write letters, donate and educate ourselves in order to counter the systematic racism within our communities, consuming and supporting media made by Black creators is more important than ever. It is just one of many ways to work towards anti-racism.

Here is a list of some Team Smarthouse picks to start with …

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Game of Thrones: The Art of the Pitch

As a filmmaker and an entrepreneur, I’ve made a lot of pitches. I’ve pitched start-up ideas, apps, screenplays, and myself to a variety of decision-makers. I’ve also taught workshops on how to make an effective pitch. But, it wasn’t until I rewatched the Season Eight finale of HBO’s Game of Thrones that I noticed what turns out to be a near-perfect example of a pitch that makes people literally sit up and take notice.

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Does Your Film Need a Publicist?

Planning your film, no matter how thrifty you can be with sets and equipment, is a daunting enterprise. Including a little extra for a publicist before you even begin shooting can seem like a luxury. So why is it worth it? Well, why make a film if no one sees it? A publicist is your best advocate for outreach, press coverage, and generally putting a good face on your project.

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Because social media is an ever-changing landscape, it can be hard to know where to spend your time, effort, and budget in order to get the word out about your project. Earlier this year, I participated in an “Ask Me Anything” marketing forum and answered questions about social media and digital marketing.

Here are some highlights that small biz owners may find useful:

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"Bridging the Indie Gap" - Vancouver Int'l Film Festival

Smarthouse co-founder and principal, Brad Wilke, presented our hybrid film marketing, audience engagement and personal branding workshop, Bridging the Indie Gap, to a full house of filmmakers and industry members at the 2016 Vancouver International Film Festival.

Check out this video of the full 60-minute workshop we've developed to help indie filmmakers leap across what Brad has coined “The Indie Gap” – the divide between filmmaking as a hobby and filmmaking as a sustainable career.

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You’ve made a documentary and now you’re looking to find your audience. Maybe you’re hoping to partner with an organization that could help you connect with viewers. But where to start?

Luckily, a webinar featuring Caitlin Boyle from Film Sprout and Keith Ochwat from Filmmaker.MBA explained how your film’s message can propel your direct distribution campaign and build a revenue stream.

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If you’re serious about making a splash, you need to be serious about your marketing campaign. But, that doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on your ads in order to make it work. You do, however, need to be smart about your platforms and your audience targeting.

The following case study will help illustrate, in practical terms, how an independent filmmaker might approach this data-intensive process.

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